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Latvia (Latvija) - spa resorts & hotels

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Orientation country map Latvia (Latvija) within Europe. Flag - Latvia (Latvija).

Latvia is a little Northern European country located in the very heart of the Baltic. In the south it shares a border with Lithuania, in the southeast with Byelorussia, in the east with Russia, in the north with Estonia and in the west it is embraced by the Baltic Sea. Its greatest treasure, and at the same time one of the reasons it is worth visiting Latvia, is its nature, a large part of which is still untouched and unique. Latvia is rich in rivers and lakes, containing multiple species of fishes and water plants. Latvia is a very green country – a major part of it is covered in coniferous and deciduous forests with rare flora. Unusual fauna, too, can be found throughout the country. The inhabitants of this small North European country are proud possessors of a range of recreation activities in a variety of environments –rocky seashore or sandy beach, noisy city or quiet countryside. Jûrmala, one of the largest resort cities in the Baltic region and located only 25km from the capital of Latvia, enjoys 32km of white sandy beach. But that’s not all; Jûrmala is also rich in a variety of natural resources: natural mineral waters, healing mud, mild climate and clean, healthy air. The various health tourism facilities available in the resort hotels, resort rehabilitation and spa centres of the resort city are very attractive. Jûrmala also offers opportunities for active recreation and nature tourism.

Official country presentation:

latviatourism.lv New window.
